
I am an avid player of the massively-multiplayer online gave EVE Online. EVE is quite different than other MMOs in a lot of ways, and as a result is (in my opinion) often misunderstood. EVE is also gaining in popularity lately, which is great as far as I'm concerned...since EVE is a single-server, persistent world (as opposed to most/all other MMOs which use some variation on Ultima Online's "shard" architecture), the more the merrier.

But it also means that EVE is at a critical juncture. As disillusioned WoW players are testing the waters, now is the time for EVE to present itself in a favorable way to new players. But, EVE is historically rather hostile to newbies. The development staff of EVE realizes this and is putting a lot of effort into making the game easier to get into. But there are still gaps, and EVE is still very unconventional and can be off-putting if you just throw yourself into it with no guidance. Which is where (if you'll excuse the hubris) I come in. This blog is aimed at people new to EVE or considering getting into EVE, with the goal of guiding new players into an enjoyable experience and steer them clear of the (unfortunately rather easy) road to frustration.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I think I might be obsolete...

So some dude did in one fell swoop what I was hoping to do gradually over several months, which is to explain EVE to the uninitiated. His description is very condensed and doesn't go into a lot of detail, but he also takes on the daunting task of enumerating the stuff you can do in EVE. Like, all of it... Well not really; a comprehensive list would be quasi-infinite, but he does an impressive job. So check out this link:


Tongue-in-cheek warning: no I am not quitting the blog :) I still hope to go into some more detail on a lot of issues. This guy just saved me a lot of work is all!

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